Peerless Website Comprehensives

MAIN PAGE    |    Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Design    |    REVISION #1

Design 1a- Features:
Top section will slide-in or animate photos from the left and right or is triggered by clicking on the red navigation. These photos are visible at higher browser resolutions.

Actual Before and After photos are super-imposed over a Water background or Fire, Smoke, Mold Wind and Odor.

The navigation will open and collapse ( accord ian-style).

Face book feed is displayed.
Design 1b- Features:
Same as design #1a except the Face book feed has been truncated and animating customer testimonials have been added.
Design 1c- Features:
Same as design #1b except demonstrating having a full photo over a background versus 2 photos. Any of these photo combinations may be used.
Design 1d- Features:
Same as design #1c except demonstrating having a full photo with no background. Any photo combinations mentioned here may be used.
Design 2a- Features:
Top section will slide-in animate photos. These photos can be advanced or reverse by arrows.

Hovering on the blue transparent (After) photo turns this to color. Clicking on photo turns to (Before) photo to blue and the (After) photo remains in color.

Customer testimonials have been added in the upper right.
Design 2b- Features:
Same as design #2a except demonstrating showing the (After) photo in color and the (Before) photo in blue.
Design 2c- Features:
Same as design #2b except the lower section has been colored blue-gray versus dark blue.
Design 3a- Features:
Top section will slide-in animate photos. These photos can be advanced or reverse by arrows.
Design 3b- Features:
Same as design #3a except the introduction copy is over a transparent white block instead of a blue block.
Design 3c- Features:
Same as design #3b except Face book feed has been added.
Design 3d- Features:
Same as design #3c except customer testimonials have been added.
Design 4a- Features:
Top section will slide-in animate photos. These photos can be advanced or reverse by arrows. Below the main photos are thumbnails that are darkened. When a thumbnail photo reaches the far left it is brightened and highlighted by a red border and matching photo is displayed above.

Click on the before or after links in the top pauses the scroller and the appropriate photo is displayed.
Design 4b- Features:
Same as design #4a except a demonstrating where the (Before) link has been clicked.
Design 4c- Features:
Same as design #4a except demonstrating a high-pass, dot matrix filter effect applied to the main photo.

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