New Leaf Website Comprehensives

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Design 1 A -
Main right side image animate to display new photos. Category photos link to details page with more *products.
Design 1 B-
Same as design 1 A with color variation on bottom.
Design 2 -
Top main photo animates to display new photos. Tagline is super imposed over the photos.
Design 3 A -
Main left side image animate to display new photos.
Design 3 B-
Same as design 3A with color variation
Design 4 A -
Strong leaf motif.
Design 4 B -
Same as design 4 A with left-side navigation variation.
Design 5 -
Main right side image animate to display new photos. Category photos link to details page with more *products.
*All interior product page photos will also link to the appropriate shopping cart pages.

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