Martin Luther King Jr. Collection Design Concepts

MAIN PAGE   l   REV #1   l  REV #2  l  Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Designs   l   View/ Print PDF Rev 1   l   View/ Print PDF Rev 2   l   View/ Print PDF Rev 3
Design 1 A - The small photo animates in uper section.
Design 1 B - Multiple photos animates randomly in upper sections.
Design 2 A - Main photo fade-animates. Design has a white gradient background.
Design 2 B - Main photo fade-animates. Design has a back gradient background.
Design 2 C - Main photo fade-animates. Design has a back gradient background. Logo has light flare effect.
Design 3 A - Main photo animates. Bottom section has icon links for the last 3 navigation items.
Design 3 B - Multiple photo blocks animate randomly. Bottom section has icon links for the last 3 navigation items.
Design 3 C - Multiple photo blocks animate randomly. Left side navigation has all links displayed.
Design 4 A - Left photo cut-outs animates. Design has a red-brown gradient background. Design 4 B - Left photo cut-outs animates. Design has a white transparent gradient background. Design 5 A - Left photo animates.

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