Commonwealth Water Treatment Website Comprehensives

MAIN PAGE      Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Design      REVISION 1   REVISION 2

Design 1a- Features:
Top section will scroll-animate photos, photo collages and different marketing taglines.
Video box on left side can auto-play or by user click. Suggest having multiple videos provided by Kinetico portal throughout your interior pages.
Top navigation will have drop-down tabs as needed for navigating to interior pages.
Design 1b- Features:
Same as design 1a except the top header is in white or reversed.
Design 1c- Features:
Same as design 1b except scrolling product types on the right side with arrow controls for Back or Next replaces the video box. Each product can be linked to an interior product page.
Design 1d- Features:
Same as design 1c except the interior background has a full screen water image.

Design 2a- Features:
Top section will scroll-animate photos. Different taglines can also be added over photos.
Top navigation will have drop-down tabs as needed for navigating to interior pages.

Design 2b- Features:
Same as design 2a except the lower 3 product sections have been removed.
Design 2c- Features:
Same as design 2b except the body text has been removed and replaced by a tagline and larger photo.
Design 2d- Features:
Same as design 2c except the interior background has a full screen water image.

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