Website Comprehensives

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GLOBAL NOTES - Body text or the introduction text is for mockup purposes only and can be readily changed when the web site pages are built-out.
Design 4a - Main navigation is on top and practice areas are linked on left side.
Design 4b - Same as design #4a except the red footer has been changed to blue-gray and court house columns added to design.
Design 5c - Same as design #4b except blue gradient has been added to the header and exterior. Watermark of court columns have been integrated into the main photo.
Design 5a - Main navigation is on top and practice areas are linked in center beneath the court photo.
Design 5b - Same as design #5a except introduction text has been added below the practice area links.
Design 6a - Main navigation is on top and practice areas are linked on left side. Law firm logo plaque is super-imposed over court photo.
Design 6b - Same as design #6a except different colors introduced to header and exterior.

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