Linking Icon -
- Icon will float in place on right side. Will animate this to pulse
bright every 15 secs. for visual attention purposes. |
Linking Message -
- When a registered READER leaves an article page this message will
slide-in. READER has the option of closing the box once or keeping it
closed for the duration of the browser session. If user chooses to 'close
once' or 'keep closed' the animating linking icon tab will be visible. |
3- Linking Message -
- When a NON-registered READER leaves an article page this message
will slide-in. READER has the option of closing the box once or keeping
it closed for the duration of the browser session. If user chooses to
'close once' or 'keep closed' the animating linking icon tab will be visible. |
4. Linking
Function when clicked-
- When a registered READER clicks the Linking Icon or 'Link This Article'
link, this will launch the Attention Links mechanism seem above. |
5. Two Step Linking Process
- READER will click any of the main categories to display articles
under these 3 sections. ( A user may choose any of the 3 categories, thus
allowing an article to be cross linked to another category) |
6. Two Step Linking Process
- READER will click on an article which will expand horizontally to
reveal a linking box. User may also close this if they change their mind. |