6a - Top photo of couple will change on browser refresh to display
different ages and diversity. The center property photos will scroll-animate
displaying different properties photos. These may be programmed to enlarge
when clicked or navigate to details page for same. |
6b - Same design as 6a with people replaced by static or 'changing'
company tag lines each time the home page is visited or (browser refresh). |
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8a - Top photo will fade animate displaying different properties
photos. Under 'Why UPA?' Bulleted text will pause and
scroll vertically. |
8b - Same as design 8a with fade blue-gray background trapping interior
elements. |
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9a - Center photos scroll-animate displaying different properties
photos. These may be programmed to enlarge when clicked or navigate
to details page for same. |
9b - Same as design #9a with blue-red color gradient in background. |
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10a- Top photos scroll-animate displaying different properties photos.
These may be programmed to enlarge when clicked or navigate to details
page for same. |
10b - Same a design 10a using UPA logo as repeating watermark in
the website background. |
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