Wynne Residential Web Design Concepts

MAIN PAGE     l     REVISION #1     l     Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Designs    l     CLICK TO VIEW & PRINT DESIGNS
Web Design 1 A -
Photos animate in the main image area.
Web Design 1 B -
Photos animate in the main image area.
(Partial tagline changes with each image animation)
Web Design 1 C -
Photos animate in the main image area.
(Full tagline remains during photo animation)
Web Design 3 A -
Photos animate in the main image area.
(Partial tagline changes with each image animation)
Web Design 3 B -
Photos animate in the main image area.
(Full tagline remains during photo animation)
Web Design 3 C - (Blue-Gray colored map)
Photos animate in the main image area.
(Full tagline remains during photo animation)
Web Design 4 A -
Photos animate in the main image area.
(Red-tone map)
Web Design 4 B-
Photos animate in the main image area.
(Gray-tone map and tagline on right side)
Web Design 4 C-
Multiple photos animate in the main image area.
(Red-tone map)

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