South Bay Communications Website Comprehensives

MAIN PAGE    l   Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Design l REVISION #1 | REVISION #2 | REVISION #3

Design 5a - Features:

Center section depicts the new image layout and style to be used for the scrolling images. Images scroll into the frame right to left. Images animate every 4 to 5 seconds and can be advanced or reversed per the small arrows left and right.

Each tagline should 'Ask a question' pertaining to SouthBay services, and answer to the question is displayed beneath.

We suggest having 6 of these custom images moving through the screen.
Design 5a_nav - Features:

Example showing the expanded drop down navigation styled with the tight horizontal lines taken from the South Bay logo.

Please NOTE that the gray-silver background in the center of the design will fill any browser screen horizontally giving the appearance for filling the screen.

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