Design 1a-
• Top section will fade-animate photos,
photo collages, Project or marketing taglines can be super-imposed over
photos if desired.
• Top navigation will have drop-down tabs
as needed for navigating to interior pages.
• Gallery thumbnail photos slide-in one or
'three at a time' beneath the main photo. User may hover and/or click
a thumbnail to display larger image above. Arrows or left and right will
reverse or advance thumbnails. |
Design 1b- Features:
• Same as design 1a except showing a
new photo collage in top section. |
Design 2a-
• Top section will scroll-animating photos.
User may hover and/or click a thumbnail to display larger pop-up photo
using a Lightbox effect.
• Left side navigation can have fly-out 'or'
expanding accord ian tabs for navigating to interior pages.
• Video box on left side can auto-play or
is activated by user click. |
Design 2b- Features:
• Same as design 2a with colored texture
beneath the navigation tabs. |
Design 2c- Features:
• Same as design 2b with different style
of wire frame-schematic shown in the background. |
Design 3a-
• Top section will scroll-animating photos.
User may hover and/or click a thumbnail to display larger pop-up photo
using a Lightbox effect.
• Top navigation will have drop-down tabs
as needed for navigating to interior pages.
• Video box on left side can auto-play or
is activated by user click. |
Design 3b- Features:
• Same as design 3a except 3 photos are
used in the animation and has different style of wire frame-schematic
shown in the background. |
Design 4a-
• Right side image box reveals a tight
shot of SCA project; while a corresponding 'same' project wide shot will
appear in the rectangular box on the left side.
• Each colored box will change to a project
photo one-at-a-time (7) photos.
• Design has grid lines in the background. |
Design 4b- Features:
• Same as design 4a except the design
has a black and white engineering wire frame in the background. |
Design 4c- Features:
• Same as design 4b except the design
has a light blue to dark blue gradient, engineering wire frame in the
background. |