Cedar Road Assembly of God Website Comprehensives

MAIN PAGE  |     Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Design      REVISION #1      REVISION #2    |    REVISION #3    |    REVISION #4

Design 1a - Features:
• Top images either scroll or fade animate.
• Program logos may also fade-animate in the lower right side where the 'Kids World' logo is shown.
Design 1b - Features:
• Same as design 1a except showing a new photo from the animation sequence.
• Same as design 1a except icons are added to the 4 right side navigation areas.
Design 2a - Features:
• Multiple photos SLIDE in from the left in the top section. Clicking on the darken photo on the left or right slides the photos in right or left. Hovering on the darkened photo will lighten same ( so there is interaction with the user's mouse).

• Program logos may also fade-animate in the lower right side where the 'Kids World' logo is shown.
Design 2b - Features:
• Same as design 2a except showing a new photo from the 'sliding' animation sequence.
Design 3a - Features:
• Multiple photos SLIDE in from the left in the top section.

• Duotone photos of children fade animate in lower left section.
Design 3b - Features:
• Same as design 3a except a tagline has been super imposed over the top animating photos.

Shows a new photo from the 'fading' animation sequence.
Design 3c - Features:
• Same as design 3a except showing a congregation photo in the top animating photos.

Shows a new photo from the 'fading' animation sequence.

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