All Pest Control & Solutions Website Comprehensives

MAIN PAGE      Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Design      INTERIOR #1 - SAMPLE

Design 1a- Features:
Top right navigation contains the 'ADMIN' navigation.
Top photo fades multiple families (or) can show random static photos each time home page is visited or refreshed.
Button for START LIVING... links to summary of Service Plans.
5 boxes in center will display a 'drop down' tab of links when user hovers. (See: 1b-drop nav)
Design 1b- Features:
Same as design 1a except:
Bugs are replaced with 5 services related icons.
Design 1b drop nav- Features:
Same as design 1b except:
Demonstrating drop navigation tab where user has hovered over Commercial Pest Services so interior web pages can be accessed.

Design 1c - Features:
Same as design 1b except:
Top photo of family has been changed to demonstrate that top photos may either fade-animate (OR) can be set to display up to 5 different images randomly each time the home page is reloaded or refreshed.
Bug/Pest scroller has been added. When any bug or pest is clicked will go to the Pest Guide page containing 'Call-to-Action' appointment form.

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Design 2a- Features:
Services navigation is shown on left side.
Top photo of family may either fade-animate (OR) can be set to display up to 5 different images randomly each time the home page is reloaded or refreshed.
Design 2b- Features:
Same as design 2a except:
Demonstrating drop navigation tab where user has hovered over Commercial Pest Services so interior web pages can be accessed.
Design 2c- Features:
Same as design 2b except:
Bug/Pest scroller has been added. When any bug or pest is clicked will go to the Pest Guide page containing 'Call-to-Action' appointment form.

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