SMITH ENGINEERING Website Comprehensives

MAIN PAGE      Click Thumbnails to PREVIEW Design      REVISION #1      NEW - REVISION #1

Design 1a- Features:
Main photos will fade-animate to display new photos. Text buttons 'next and back' allows the user to manually control the photos.
Design 1b- Features:
Same as design series 1a except demonstrating a new photo in the animation sequence.
Design 1c- Features:
Same as design series 1B except member logos have been added to the footer.
Design 2a- Features:
Main photos will fade-animate to display new photos. Sets of 4 photo thumbnails will advance from right to left. The far left thumbnail will 'brighten' to match the large photo displayed above. The project name will appear in the white faded gradient tab.
Design 2b- Features:
Same as design 2a except the scroller is moved to left-side and displayed vertically. Main photo has also been enlarged.
Design 2c- Features:
Same as design 2b except member logos have been added to the lower right.
Design 3a- Features:
Large full-scrren photos will fade-animate to display new photos. The red arrow buttons below the navigation allows the user to manually control the photo displayed.
Design 3b- Features:
Same as design 3a except an engineering drawing + gradient has been added to the left side of the navigation background. 75% of the main photo is still visible on right side.
Design 3c- Features:
Same as design 3b except member logos have been added to the lower left.
Design 4a- Features:
Main photos will fade-animate to display new photos. Sets of 4 photo thumbnails will move or advance from right to left. The far left thumbnail will 'brighten' to match the large photo displayed above. The project name will appear in the black photo tab.
Design 4b- Features:
Same as design 4a except a colonization effect will be added to punch photos. A dot matrix fade has been added to the top of the photo.
Design 4c- Features:
Same as design 4b except member logos have been added to the lower right.
Design 5a- Features:
Main photos will fade-animate to display new photos. The thumbnails will 'brighten' to match the large photo displayed and 'Service Areas' text will appear: LAND PLANNING, ENGINEERING, SURVEYING and LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTATION
Design 5b- Features:
Same as design series 5a except demonstrating a new photo in the animation sequence.

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