Hang In There Logo Comprehensives

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Design 1a ^
Stylized lower case sans-serif letters with faded lowercase (h) to emphasize (hang).
Design 1b ^
Stylized upper and lower case sans-serif letters with upper case (H).
Design 1c ^
Stylized upper case sans-serif letters for (HANG) with large upper case (H) to emphasize HANG.
Design 1d ^
Stylized upper case sans-serif letters with large H and E trapping the web address.
Design 1e ^
Stylized upper case sans-serif letters with large H and E trapping the web address in a reverse block.
Design 1f ^
Stylized upper case sans-serif letters with large H and E trapping the web address in a reverse faded block.
Design 2a ^
Stylized all-caps text chosen convey an urban-feel. Text is slanted to convey 'action'.
Design 2b ^
Stylized all-caps text chosen convey an urban-feel. IN is reversed in a circle to emphasize the message of (hanging 'in' there).
Design 3a ^
Playful-friendly stylized lower case text with (there) in the lower frame overlapping the (g) to emphasize (hanging in 'there')
Design 3b ^
Playful-friendly stylized lower case text using upper case H and T.
Design 4a ^
Edgy-urban text use in logo fashion to convey tension.
Design 4b ^
Edgy-urban text use in logo fashion to convey tension with (in) reverse in black circle in emphasize (hang 'in' there).
Design 5a ^
Stylized sans-serif lower case and upper case lettering with the (g) over lapping THERE to emphasize where person is to hang; e.g.: THERE.
Design 5b ^
Stylized sans-serif lower case lettering.
Design 5c ^
Stylized sans-serif lower case lettering with stylized check icon to emphasize (where to hang).
Design 5d ^
Stylized sans-serif lower case lettering with stylized line icon with the letters (in) obscured beneath to emphasize the action of hanging 'in'.
Design 6a ^
Stylized sans-serif upper and lower case lettering with stylized H with face icon to emphasize person hanging using the 'H'
Design 6b ^
Stylized sans-serif upper and lower case lettering with stylized H with out that face icon.

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